Senin, 29 Juni 2009

Batik Tulis Hokokai Java

Batik Tulis Hokokai  
     Pekalongan, Java 
           Made during Japanese Occupation  

Pekalongan batik motif flower blue

Pekalongan batik figured blue flowers

Batik Motif Truntum

May be spelled truntum motif is the symbol of love that sprout again. According kisahnya, this motif was created by a Queen of Yogyakarta palace. 

The Queen who is loved and spoiled by the King, felt neglected by the King that had a new sweetheart. To fill the time and the grief, the Queen is starting to make. The queen does not make a conscious motive berbentukbintang-stars in the dark sky, which during this menemaninya in solitude. Perseverance in the Queen to make to attract the King and Queen begin to see the approaching pembatikannya. Since then the King is always monitoring the development of the Queen pembatikan, little by little affection for the King of Queen grow back. Thanks to the motif is the king of love sprout again, or tum-tum back, so that this motif be named Truntum, as a symbol of love for the King re-sprout

Batik Untuk Pengantin

Each traditional batik motifs on the classic philosophy has always segregated. In the Batik motifs, especially from local and central java, especially Solo and Yogya, each image has a meaning. This is related to the meaning or philosophical significance in the Hindu-Javanese culture. In the motif is considered a sacred and can only be used on a particular occasion or event, including the ceremony of marriage. 

Sido Mukti motif-usually used by the men and women at the wedding, also called as Sawitan (pair). 
Sido means continuously or Mukti means and living in the street and happiness. so it can be persuasive melambangka hope this will be the future of the good, blissful unuk second bridegroom. 
In addition there are also Sido Mukti motif Sido Asih which means living in love. 
There's more Sido Mulyo motif that means living in the glory and Sido Luhur meaning in life is always noble. 
There is also a motif sawitan not identical, but usually use the pair yaiu motif with a pair of Queen Ratih Semen Rama, who symbolizes the loyalty of a wife to her husband. 
In fact there are many more common patterns of use declaration, all created with the hope, the message, intent and good faith to the declaration. 
Wedding Ceremony on the Parents of the patterns are usually truntum also means that you can lead, that means the second lead in the bride enters the vagaries of life that is new menage. 
Also known motif Wirasat Sido, wirasat meaning advice, and the motive is always there is a combination of motives truntum in it, which symbolizes the parents will always give advice and guidance to both the bride enters the life of berumahtangga.


Aneka house dress, longdres, stelan, batik pekaongan superiors. cotton, good motives, cerah.TERSEDIA type of color printing and cap. 
picture is one of the sample product, still byk various patterns and colors. 
prices start 20000-30000 rupiah 
minimal.order 20 pieces, big party price nego.


Hem BATIK PEKALONGAN - Pekalongan batik shirt, style and color patterns different .. we offer FREE postage via post indonesia.minimal order all 20 potong.ukuran M, L, XL. 
motif and the model we are always changing, according to market tastes.

solo batik cloth

red dragon batik

Batik solo

Solo, the second sultanat. Solo ( now named Surakarta) was one of the two sultanates, with all the traditions and customs of their courts, and the center of Hindu-Javanese culture. The Kraton (or court) was not only the residence of the kings, but also the center of government, religion and culture.this was reflected in the art of the region, especially in its batiks: in the motifs as well as in the colors, and its special rules governing the wearing of batik. In solo there were special rules about wearing batik. These had to do with- the social position of the wearer - the occasion on which the batik was worn or used, in connection with the meaning and hope or wish symbolized by the motif. The cloth on the left is a detail of a kain panjang which was made in the workshop of Hardjonagoro in Surakarta in the early 80's. The motif combine influences of several region, but the overall style and the color are typical of Solo design The 'kain panjang' means 'long cloth'. It is a piece of cloth of approximately one by two and a half metre. It is used as the sarong, but the kain panjang is regarded as being more formal. The motifs of the Solo design are related to the Hindu-Javanese culture: the Sawat symbol of the crown or highest power, the Meru symbol of mountain or earth, the Naga symbol of the water, the Burung symbol of the wind or upper world and the Lidah Api symbol of the fire.
In Solo there were special rules about wearing of batik. 1) the social position of the wearer, 2) the occasion on which the batik was worn or used. This was in connection with the meaning and hope or wish symbolized by the motif.

Batik Yogyakarta ancient

Payment Method:Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
Specification:Handmade Yogyakarta Batik with blue backgrond color called irian motive

Batik Yogyakarta Kuno

Payment Method:Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
Specification:Handmade Yogyakarta Batik with black backgrond color

Kain Batik Solo

Batik has a variety of motives. Not only from within the country, batik is coming from overseas, such as Russia. 

In Indonesia alone, batik motif also varies, such as batik, Jogja and Solo batik. Even though both use ukel-cement and cement, but this is actually two different batik. The difference is the color. Batik Jogja white with black stripe, while the Solo batik yellow color with no white. 

Use of this batik cloth is different. Palace in Yogyakarta, there is a rule that grip on the use of this batik cloth. For wedding, batik cloth used to be motivated Sidomukti, Sidoluhur, Sidoasih, Taruntum, or Grompol. While for the event mitoni, batik cloth that may be levied is batik cloth pattern Picis Ceplok Garudo, Parang Mangkoro, or Gringsing Mangkoro. 

Currently, batik has become a new trend in the middle of the community. Not only clothing that uses batik as a fabric material. Pillowslip, gordyn, sheets and has no use of batik cloth. This is the beginning of the first well for the preservation of batik art. Originally must love first, then think andarbeni appear (have) and finally nguri-uri (preserve). 

Awareness of this has started and continues to be encouraged. Batik Tamanan Palace was formed specifically to make patterns for the Kraton Yogyakarta.

Batik Solo Ancient

Payment Method:Telegraphic Transfer (T/T)
Specification:Handmade Solo Batik with brown backgrond color which called "sogan" color

Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

Indonesia Batik Various Rich Creativity of Children

Batik (Batik or word) comes from Javanese "amba" which means to write and "point." The word refers to the batik cloth with a pattern produced by the "night" (wax) is applied to the top of the cloth, so that the inclusion of a coloring material (dye), or in the English Language "wax-resist dyeing".
Batik is a craft that has a high value of art and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (particularly Java) since long. Javanese women in the past to make them in the skills to make a livelihood, so that in the past to make work is the work exclusively to women finding "Batik Cap" which allows the inclusion of men in this field. There are some exceptions to this phenomenon, namely the coastal batik has the masculine as can be seen in the pattern "Mega cloud", where in some coastal areas is to make work for the common man. 

Variety Batik style and color is influenced by various foreign influences. Originally, batik has protean style and color that is limited, and some patterns may only be used by certain circles. However, coastal batik absorb various external influences, such as foreign traders and also in the end, the colonists. Bright colors such as red dipopulerkan by the Chinese, who also popularize phoenix pattern. Colonialist European nations are also taking interest to the batik, and the result is a pattern bebungaan previously unknown (such as tulip flowers) and also the things that was brought by colonists (or building horse-drawn carriage), including the colors of their favorite color as blue. Maintain the traditional batik coraknya, and is still used in traditional ceremonies, usually because each color has a symbolism of each. 

Technique has been to make known since thousands of years back. There is no description of the history is quite clear about the origins of batik. It's suspected that this technique comes from the Sumerian nation, and developed in Java after brought by Indian traders. Currently, batik can be found in many countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, and Iran. In addition to Asia, batik is also very popular in some countries in the African continent. However, batik, which is very famous in the world of batik is from Indonesia, mainly from Java. 

The tradition is beginning to make on the tradition from generation to generation, so that sometimes a motif can be identified originating from batik particular family. Some batik motif can indicate the status of someone. Even now, some batik motif tadisional only used by the family palace of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. 

Batik is an ancestor heritage of Indonesia (Java) is still there. Batik is also the first time introduced to the world by President Soeharto, who at that time the United Nations Conference on batik.

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